The Annoying Orange
The Annoying Orange is an American comedy web series created by Dane Boedigheimer in 2009. It stars an humanlike orange named The Annoying Orange (often simply named as "Orange") who annoys other fruits, vegetables and other things in each episode by telling rude jokes. The popularity of the show has made The Annoying Orange become the subject of videos, toys, shirts, costumes and other things.
The Plot
Orange resides on a kitchen counter, which he shares with his best friend Pear, a Bartlett pear, also voiced by Boedigheimer. Other fruits on the counter include Passion, a female passionfruitplayed by Justine Ezarik, a grapefruit, a tiny apple known as Midget Apple, a small marshmallow, and an old lemon named Grandpa Lemon. Most episodes consist of Orange heckling other characters, the latter of which often become annoyed and meet a sudden and gruesome end, usually by evisceration with a chef's knife (although the implements used to cut them up range from a blender to a toypinwheel). Orange tries to warn them about it before it happens, by blurting out the weapon-in-use, such as "Knife!"
Orange has several recurring mannerisms. He often begins an episode by stating "Hey, (name of character)!" until they get frustrated enough to respond, and often refers to said character as a play on the object's name or appearance. He uses various tactics annoys people, usually by telling rude and offensive jokes, burping, and making childish noises with his tongue. Orange has a braying laugh as annoying as his voice, and he often tells the objects he annoys, "You're an apple!" if he does not like them.
Orange is the main character. He has yellow teeth, gray eyes, and an odd laugh.( I don`t know how to explain it. ) One of his common words are "No, I'm not. I'm an orange!".
Pear is Orange`s best friend. He is a Barlitt pear. He resides in the same counter as Orange. Even though they are friends, Pear has become annoyed to the point when he wants to kill himself. He is obviously smarter than Orange and tries to help others keep control.
Passionfruit is a fruit also constantly insulted by Orange. She tries to stop Orange from annoying other characters. Orange has a crush on her.
Midget Apple is a character also voiced by Dane Boedigheimer. He is what Americans call a red delicious apple. He is friends with most of the characters. He is closest to Marshmellow He doesn`t like being called midget apple and likes being called Little Apple.
Marshmellow is a character that is childish. He has a small and squeeky voice. He is also friends with Orange especially is friends with Apple. He is a cheerful and happy character. He claims that he likes puppies, and unicorns, and bunnies, and rainbows, and clouds, and kittens, and bunnies, and rainbows". The character is shown to absorb significant damage to his body, such as from cuts, fire, and throwing stars, and emerge largely unscathed. Despite his cuteness, size, and cheerfulness, when enraged by something or someone, he tends to massive damage, both to his friends and to the area around him.
Background Characters
Grapefruit, voiced by Robert Jennings, first appeared to Passion of the Fruit as Orange`s enemy. He often starts in insults with Orange. The character was killed by Knife. He reappears in Frankenfruit.
Grandpa Lemon, played by Kevin Brueck, is an elderly lemon forgets easily, and has a habit of falling asleep. He is the only one not annoyed by Orange. He like grapefruit, was killed by Knife. He also reappears in Frankenfruit.
Knife, voiced by Kevin Nalty, was initially introduced simply as a kitchen tool in The Annoying Orange. He appears when Orange announces his presence, proceeding to slice up the other fruits and vegetables. His first appearance as a character was in No More Mr. Knife Guy. Knife is shown to be at odds with his role in the series, hating his life because of how he is used. His mortal enemy is a knife sharpener due to the pain involved.
Some of this is plagiarized from the internet, so be very careful in the future that all your writing is either your own or cited.